This is the cover of my "Sketchbook Project", a "Zentangle.
The theme for my sketchbook was "It must be...."
I started my sketchbook on August 8,2010 with high hopes of filling every page with a special drawing. But life had a way of raveling the fabric of my plan, and my sketchbook became a patchwork of my art projects.
I have a thing for bugs, especially cicadas, finding them fascinating.
Using a how to draw book I tried my hand at sketching "Bugs".
A Bugs Life...
I was fortunate to be able to take a sculpting class with Ankie Daanen from
the Netherlands and Spain. These photos show the process over 4 days.
For the past three years, since she was one, my granddaughter and I have collaborated on our Christmas card, each one having a version of Christmas tree painted by us on the front. This was this year's card. The original was painted on 24" x 30" cardboard box.
It must be a "Really Good Hot Chocolate" recipe.
We have needed this more than ever this winter
as we are breaking records for snow fall amounts
Each year The Fabric Manglers, our doll group, gets together
to celebrate the holidays. In recent years we have done an ornament swap.
I made A Snowflake Ornament.
An acrylic painting done during a painting lesson
given to me by my four year old granddaughter.
"Grammy use a little brush, paint yellow here, like this..."
Oh to be young and free!
I have had an affair of the heart with my husband for over 40 years.
His question, jotted down on a scrap of paper, inspired this drawing.
Since our granddaughter has come into our life our standard goodbye
has become, "Goodbye, I love you more than....
In this case it is cupcakes but it could just as easily have been,
coffee, chocolate, beans, sunshine, ... you get the idea.
And as final page and a parting thought, "The Winds of Change".
"The winds of change blow favorably upon all
who seek their direction.
Charles N0el van Sandwyk
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